Freitag, 10. Oktober 2008

Actually the training was not as related to practice as I expected, I never felt really challenged and I still don't feel very well prepared to be up against violence, especially from settlers.

When it was finished, I moved with the next mini-bus to Nablus. At the moment the main activity there is to accompany palestenians harvesting their olives. They often face problems there, either with the army, settlers or both. Many groves are located in areas declared as military closed zones,and near to settlements there's the additional risk of indiscriminate attacks by israeli settlers. As I am new I decided to go to the place with the lowest danger, a village called Zawata. There's no settlement around but the groves are just behind a military road and officially the farmers are not allowed to enter there at all.

After we crossed that road today in the early morning, a jeep with 3 soldiers arrived, but luckily they were quite friendly and allowed us to pass after they recorded the ID-numbers. After that we could pick olives untill sunset without any other incident, and I enjoyed my first day out in the nature.

The more inpredictable situations occur at farmlands near to israeli settlements, especially because the settlers don't make any difference between palestinians and internationals, contrary to soldiers.

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